The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is conducting its 2022 Annual International Conference jointly with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal.

ICSA Annual Conference: Former members’ process of recognizing and coping with experience of coercive control in religious cultic groups
The aim of this presentation is to analyze the process by which former members recognized and named forms of control, experiences of abuse and experiences of violence during her or his life within a religious cultic group after leaving the group.

ICSA Annual Conference: “Going to university changed everything”: Making sense of self through education and career after leaving Jehovah’s Witnesses
This talk reviews my dissertation for a Masters in Organizational Psychology gained in 2020 at Birkbeck, University of London

ICSA Annual Conference: Cults and Media Stereotypes: Does Media Coverage of Current and Former Cult Members Hinder Victims’ Recovery?
he study being presented examined whether former cult members frequently accessed media about cults, and if that exposure related significantly to their symptoms of distress and wellbeing. It was conducted by a journalist and second generation adult (SGA) as part of a dissertation for an MSc in the Psychology of Coercive Control.

ICSA Annual Conference: The impact of group psychological abuse on distress: The role of social functioning and resilience
The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is conducting its 2022 Annual International Conference jointly with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal.
Conference Theme: Exploring the Needs of People Who Leave Controlling Groups and Environments