- Aspects of Cult Recovery
- Biderman’s Chart of Coercion
- Checklist of Cult Characteristics
- Clinical Update on Cults
- Coming Out of the Cults
- Coping with Triggers
- Coping With Trance States
- Cult Deception, Dependency, and Dread
- Cult Formation
- Curiosity and willingness to learn (working with former cult members)
- Dysfunctional Churches (Cultic)
- Essay: Coping With Trance States
- Evaluating Your Cult Involvement
- Group (Cult, Religion) Psychological Abuse Scale
- How to Find Information on a Cult or Group
- Influence (cult)
- Inner Experience and Conversion
- On Using the Term “Cult”
- Pitfalls To Cult Recovery
- Post-Cult After Effects
- Post-Cult Problems: An Exit Counselor’s Perspective
- Questions to ask a potential therapist
- Reflections on Post Cult Recovery
- Rethinking the Classic ‘Obedience’ Studies
- Robert Jay Lifton Criteria for Thought Reform
- Singer’s Six Conditions of Mind Control
- Strong Indications that our Relationship with a Spiritual Teacher is unhealthy
- The Manipulation of Spiritual Experience: Unethical Hypnosis in Destructive Cults
- The Relational System of the Traumatizing Narcissist
- Trauma and Recovery (cult, brainwashing)
- Types of Cults
- What is a cult?
- Who Joins Cults, And Why?
- Working With Cult Survivors