ICSA Annual Conference – Virtual
June 24-26, 2022, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
70 Speakers, 60+ Talks/sessions, 5 Workshops, 4 Tracks
Talks are available on the Whova platform for 30-days after the conference – you may also continue to interact with speakers and attendees.
- Registration: $125
- Student Registration: $50
- Scholarships are available.
Sample of conference sessions:
- Cultic Gaslighting (William Goldberg)
- Coercive Control and Sexual Exploitation (Carrie McManus, Andrea Silverstone, Linda Dubrow-Marshall, Rod Dubrow-Marshall)
- Drugs as a Tool for Coercive Control (Robin Boyle)
- Visioning the Invisible: The Traumatized Bodies of Racialized Cult Members and Survivors (Evvie Ormon)
- What do SGAs Want to Cover in Counseling? (Cyndi Matthews)
- Synergy Between Cults and Terror Groups (Darin Challacombe)
- Cults and Media Stereotypes: Does Media Coverage of Current and Former Cult Members Hinder Victims’ Recovery? (Dhyana Levey)
- Discussion Group for Former Members Who Were Parents in the Cult (Lorna Goldberg, Doni Whitsett)
- Catholic Cults in our Midst? Catholic orders and movements accused of being cult-like (J. Paul Lennon)
- Legal Aspects of Harm and Victimization in Cultic Groups (Linda Demaine)
- The Evolution of Cult Intervention (Patrick Ryan, Joseph Kelly, Doni Whitsett, Rachel Bernstein)
- Award ceremonies
- Conference Information
- Agenda
- Conference Registration
- Scholarships (Joan Capellini Scholarship Fund)