Subpoena Notice from Web Hosting Company AllWebCo
Hello, EnlightenMeFree
We have received a temporary restraining order from the Superior Court of the state of Washington for Thurston County to have you immediately remove the material described below from your site, or shut the site down pending trial.
The court clarifies its previous order granting Temporary Restraining Order as follows:
Defendants, their agents, employees, attorneys and all persons in concert with them are immediately enjoined from continuing to display or otherwise disseminate RSE information or material, including but not limited to audio recordings or video footage of classes, lectures, meetings, speeches, teachings, or other gatherings organized or presented by JZK, Inc or RSE without the express written consent of JZK, Inc. Any video or other material or information currently posted or displayed by said individuals on any internet website or others forum where it can be accessed by others is to be immediately removed.
If we do not hear back from soon, we will be forced to disable your site to comply with the court order.
Please confirm receipt of this email and removal of the above materials.
Thank you
Subpoena Notice from Google
——-Original Message——-
Subject: Subpoena Notice from Google (Internal Ref. No. ———-)
Google has received a subpoena for information related to your Google account in a case entitled JZK, Inc. v. Virginia Coverdale, Jane & John Does 1-20, Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, 113CV240456 (Internal Ref. No. 296418).
To comply with the law, unless you provide us with a copy of a motion to quash the subpoena (or other formal objection filed in court) via email at google-legal by 5pm Pacific Time on February 24, 2013, Google may provide responsive documents on this date.
For more information about the subpoena, you may wish to contact the party seeking this information at:
Andrea McNeely
1201 Pacific Ave, Ste 2100
Tacoma, Washington 98402
Google is not in a position to provide you with legal advice.
If you have other questions regarding the subpoena, we encourage you to contact your attorney.
Thank you,
Legal Investigations Support