cult recovery 101

Children Raising Children: Institutionalized Neglect in Cults

Children Raising Children: Institutionalized Neglect in Cults

Children Raising Children: Institutionalized Neglect in Cults

The Family Survival Trust: Children Raising Children: Institutionalized Neglect in Cults

March 30, 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT,  Online

Elgen Strait

Who are the Unification Church and “The Moonies”? What is it like to grow up as a “Moonie”? What difficulties do people who are born-in face? Does our society provide adequate support to former members? 
Podcast host and former second-generation Moonie, Elgen Strait, will be answering these questions and more in our 2022 Annual Public Event. 
Elgen will be sharing his fascinating personal story as well as insights into how the Unification Church operates and the common themes that have emerged through interviews with second-generation members on his podcast. The event will last for one hour and include a 30 minute presentation followed by 30 minutes of questions and answers. 
Doors open at 6.30 for a 7pm start. Following the event, the Zoom room will remain open for those who wish to stay and chat informally. 
About Elgen Elgen Strait is the host of Falling Out with Elgen Strait, a podcast focused on the experiences of second-generation survivors of the Unification Church, a cult commonly referred to as “The Moonies.” 
Born into the Moonies himself, Elgen’s work on the podcast aims to expose the abuse, manipulation, and hypocrisy of the institution, as well as to provide a forum for ex-second generation members to share resources that can aid them in their journeys out of the cult and through the transition into living in the “outside world.” Listening to Falling Out has been a catalyst for multiple departures from the cult. 

The Family Survival Trust 
The Family Survival Trust is a registered charity whose mission is to prevent, and to provide information on, coercive control, cultic behaviour and psychological manipulation. We support those affected by groups that use these techniques. We educate regarding the risks these groups pose to individuals and society and seek appropriate controls on these groups’ activities. 